Evolving through Adversity

By: Gayle Abbott

Are you feeling stressed, lost, overwhelmed, uncertain, directionless? Are you feeling your life isn’t going as planned or that things are falling apart?

We are currently in a time of a time of change. The upheaval being faced in the world right now is providing challenges to everyone even though they are all very different.

Each of us is unique. Each of us is coming face to face with our own demons and being forced to face them.

You are being asked to create a new reality for yourself.

If there’s one thing I’ve learned it’s that challenging times provide opportunities. Yes, it can be a time of self-doubt, self-pity, anger, fear, or insecurity but it can clear the path for you to uncover more of your potential, to fulfill more of your potential and go to heights you never imagined.

You are experiencing whatever you are here to experience at this point in time. You are on your journey and having these experiences so that, if you let them, you evolve and become so much more than you thought possible.

So, what are a few actions you can take when you’ve stressed or feel like your legs have been knocked out from under you?

1. Recognize you are having a “spiritual experience”. You are being challenged to build inner strength and resiliency –to understand and see what you are truly capable of in bigger or different ways.
2. Center yourself – make time to stop, listen and dig deep. Some ways to do this are using “whole brain posture”, deep breathing, yoga, tai chi, standing on the earth or sitting in your special place. Then listen to the little voice within you. What is it whispering to you? Is there something you’ve always wanted to do but didn’t think you were good enough to do? Is there something you’ve never had time for before? What does your voice want you to learn, “hear”, or try? Sit in the silence, despite any discomfort and listen. Listen beyond the negatives that your mind and previous programming may have implanted in you because those are only the critic and other people’s voices, messages, jealousies, etc. Listen instead to: I’d like to ______; It would be cool to _____; I used to love to ________; If only I could ___________.
3. Let go of what you think you “know” and your comfort zone. You are being given a message. You are being asked to embrace change. Recognize that your first most natural instinct will be to try to quickly get back to what you know. Unfortunately, that’s not usually why you’re here now.
4. Pay attention to the subtle and not so subtle external messages you are receiving. These can come in different ways – someone asking you to help with something you never would have considered; something being taken away; or some other message. These are not meant to be ignored – they are gifts to you. Often, they are guiding you to do something different, try a different way, learn something new, manage your life differently, etc.
5. Get outside – connect with nature. Notice all the little wonders in nature. What do you see? What do you experience? What do you hear? How does nature function?
6. Take action. Do something, anything. Take one little step to start. If that doesn’t work take a different action. If someone asks for your help – Do It. If someone suggests you try something different – Do It. Just keep doing things and getting out there. Little steps eventually lead to something bigger. Take action but be patient.
7. Write your thoughts down. Physically write down all the things swirling around in your head – good, bad and indifferent. Moving them to paper sets them and our mind free. It allows us to see and experience what is in our head in a different way. It provides insights we may not get any other way. Listen to your heart and your soul and ignore the noise of the outside world.
8. Remember what you do have. Are you alive? Do you have family? Do you have friends? Do you have your mind? Do you feel? And the questions go on.
9. Identify what you can control. There are things we can’t do anything about and things we can. Know the difference. Focus on the “can” and turn your attention and energy away from the can’t.
10. Know you have choices. Choices aren’t just about things. They are about mindset and attitude. Choices can be about how you respond emotionally, mentally and at a soul level. They include how we choose to see things as well as whether we take action or let action be taken “to us”. What choices are you making? Are you choosing to be miserable or to find “joy” in the little things – a butterfly crossing your path, a flower in bloom, a sentence in a book, a sunny day or a rainy day…. Are you choosing to focus on what you have lost or how to discover and open the door to unknown opportunities?

What do you choose to take as your first step? Remember, you don’t have to do it all at once. Sometimes it really is about recognizing one thing, or doing one thing, or reflecting on one thing. Many great outcomes started with small steps despite what it might appear when you finally hear about the big thing. What opportunities are hidden in your current circumstances? How are you growing? What do you have that you can’t even see right now but that might help you take your next step? Remember, no matter what anyone tells you, you are an amazing being who has gifts and an inner light that only you can shine.