Using Astrology to Determine find your Career – Part 1 – Planets in the tenth house

By: Elizabeth Weihmiller

This is Part 1 of an article I have written for a Vedic Astrology research journal. I have decided to post it in multiple parts as it is 15 pages in word! So enjoy and if you are interested in booking a reading…Click Here.

One of the biggest questions people are interested in finding out is: “what career path should I take?” “Am I in the right field?” When an individual is looking for a change, “what are my other options?”

There are a lot of different ways to begin looking for what career someone will lean to when looking at their birth chart. Many astrologers go straight to the tenth house and see what, if any, planets are there. They then look at where the ruler of the tenth house goes. This is a great starting point but just like individuals, who are complex and nuanced, so too are their charts. We can go one step deeper and look at two different divisional charts to get indications of potential career paths. For those individuals that don’t know their time of birth it will be important to use the Moon as the ascendant.

It is important to look at a chart as a whole to get indications of career as there are an insane number of career options for people to be drawn to. Just like people like different flavors of ice cream they also like to know they have career options.

I want to take a quick detour as it relates to individuals and astrology as a whole. I find so many people wanting things “easy” or “simple” or “black and white” and that is just not who humans are or even astrology. The charts are multi-tiered and complex just like each individual. The nuances will be your best friend. Remember we are complex, unique individuals and that is how people want to be seen and treated.

It is important as an astrologer, when working with individuals on career or even talking through career in a natal reading, to not get tied to what you believe the person should be doing based on strong indications in their chart. I was working with a client who had spoken with another astrologer who said they should 100% be a real estate agent. They began to share the experience with me. The astrologer continued to say this was THE career for them. My client told me they were so turned off. When on Zoom you could see they were someone who was shyer and who wanted to be more behind the scenes. As we continued talking through their chart I mentioned that, yes, real estate agent was an option but it wasn’t the only option. The look of relief on their face was obvious. As astrologers we need to keep our opinions and beliefs out of it. We can’t pigeon hole individuals into what we believe they should be doing just because that is what we have decided based on their chart.

Let’s start by taking a look at some of the general indications of career in astrology and then we will look at some case studies to see how this starts to play out.

1. What Planets are in the tenth house:

Sun: This person is someone that likely needs to be in charge whether it is being the boss, CEO or owning their own company.
Moon: This person could do well in a service-oriented field. They could be a good counselor or teacher. They may gain fame or recognition in their field. They may also be unsure of their life purpose.
Mercury: This person may do well in a field involving communication whether it be public relations, advertising, speaking, writing, counseling, teaching or other mind-oriented careers.
Venus: This person may do well in a career that uses creativity. It could be related to fashion, beauty or home décor. They may work with more women than men. Or, they may be in an industry that involves products more focused on women.
Mars: This person will likely have a strong drive and ambition to do well in their career. It could be a job related to real estate, science, military, police or surgeons. They could be in mechanical or industrial businesses. They could also be in a body work career such as a masseuse or acupuncturist.
Jupiter: This person may have a very expansive career. They could do well in consulting, counseling, judging, teaching, philosophy, spirituality, financial planning or even legal.
Saturn: This person will likely be a very hard worker. They could have a career in anything that requires structure and discipline. They could work for the government, established corporations or anything related to old age.
Rahu: This person could find success from an unusual career. They are more likely to think out-of-the-box. They could do well with pharmaceuticals, chemicals, toxins, or even unusual, secret or confidential work. This person could also do well in or with technology.
Ketu: This person may have many careers in life. Their career will likely shift without them realizing it. This is usually someone that may always be looking for that career passion.

The outer planets of Uranus, Neptune and Pluto, while generational in influence and traditionally not used in Vedic astrology, can give insight into potential career choices as well. In the tenth house potential careers include:

Uranus: This is someone who could be a pilot, work with computers or be an innovator. This person may have unexpected changes in their career throughout life. It can be someone who is more eccentric in their approach.
Neptune: This is someone who could work in the oil and gas industry. They may work on the water such as being a ship captain. It could also be someone who works for pharmaceuticals.
Pluto: This person is likely to work for large corporations or the government.

Looking at planets that are in the tenth house is just one part of the puzzle to looking at someone’s career. It is a great first step for getting an initial idea of what someone may want to do or what they are actually doing.

Come back soon for Part 2.

Book a reading with a Elizabeth…Click Here